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Business Materials

Let the content echo your presence after you've left the room

For everyday operations or occasional big opportunities, we are here to provide you with supplementing materials. We can provide visual presentations for pitches and meetings along with hand out documents and any other business materials you would like us to make. We work as per your requirements and try to make the content in tandem to the message you wish to convey. With the help of Stratrun, you can focus your time and energy on your own pitch, as we make your content visually stand out.


Business materials we provide may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Presentations- Powerpoint, Google Slides, Prezi, and more

  • Data charts and visualisation

  • Investment documentation (Information Memorandum and more)

  • Pitches

  • Supplementing documents to a presentation

  • Brochures and banners


Got a big meeting or a presentation coming up? Let's do it right together.

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